Category: Dallas

2013 Sep 24

Pictures & Video: HBO’s Emmy Awards after party

Pictures & Video: HBO’s Emmy Awards after party

Jesse and Cara attended HBO’s post-Emmy Awards party on Sunday night. I’ve added some pictures to the gallery.

HBO Emmy After Party 2013 HBO Emmy After Party 2013 HBO Emmy After Party 2013 HBO Emmy After Party 2013

Also, check out the video below where Jesse discusses the upcoming season of Dallas and the Larry Hagman tribute that was missing from Sunday’s Emmy awards.
Continue reading Pictures & Video: HBO’s Emmy Awards after party

2013 Mar 17

Jesse Metcalfe: I Was ‘Blindsided’ by Larry Hagman’s Death (Video)

Jesse Metcalfe: I Was ‘Blindsided’ by Larry Hagman’s Death (Video)

The Dallas actor shares details about the “emotional day” spent filming Monday night’s farewell to J.R.

2013 Jan 28

Dallas returns TONIGHT!

Tune in tonight for an all new episode of Dallas! Season 2 begins tonight. Need to catch up? Check out for full episodes!

2013 Jan 16

Dallas fans in the NYC area! Be an audience member on Anderson Cooper

Anderson Cooper 360I received an email today about the show Anderson Cooper 360 looking for audience members for an upcoming Dallas cast appearance. Check out the info below and send them an email if you’re interested!

We are looking for Dallas fans in the NYC area to sit in our audience on Tuesday, 1/29. Two of the shows stars will be in studio that day. Please let me know if you can post an invitation on your site! People who are interested should email with their name, contact information, and number of tickets requested!