2011 Dec 09

Happy Birthday, Jesse!

Happy Birthday, Jesse!

Happy Birthday, Jesse!

Happy Birthday, Jesse!

5 Comments on “Happy Birthday, Jesse!”

  1. I just started a new job and I recently moved into a new apartment. I am very busy. If you’d like to help by sending in pictures or volunteering to update the gallery, you’re welcome to. Otherwise, complaining won’t help anything.

    By the way, this site is a hobby, not a job 😉

  2. Tanea you´re right! i understand why you´ve never uploaded new pictures, finally, you have your life for caring, right? but you know, i love your site, today it´s the only place the fans of Jess can see and read new news!! Congratulations for awesome hobby!! lol =D

  3. I actually would update the gallery if I had sources to do so because this is the only Jesse Metcalfe fan site and I would love to see the gallery updated completely.

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